I volunteered to work at the Greensburg Kerry rally. But unlike the July 6 Edwards announcement rally, where I felt like I was being more useful, I really didn't wind up doing all that much in Greensburg. I did help pass out some signs. However, the volunteer coordinator had us pass out about half the signs so early that they were complete soggy messes by the time the candidates arrived.
I did wind up extremely close to the stage, so I got some photos like these:

John Kerry in Greensburg, PA, 7/31/04

Teresa Heinz Kerry, John Kerry, Elizabeth Edwards, John Edwards
Yes, Ben Affleck was there, and he spoke briefly. The teenagers behind us particularly wanted to see him.

Teresa Heinz Kerry, Ben Affleck, Cate Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards (back to camera), Andre Heinz (white shirt), Chris Heinz
The speeches were fine, but we'd heard most of them before - John and John's speeches were both "Democratic Convention Lite Speeches." Teresa and Elizabeth both seemed to speak a little more off the cuff. You tend to remember the unscripted moments a little more. A member of the audience fainted in the rain and med-student Vanessa Kerry left the stage and followed a Secret Service agent into the crowd to lend a hand. And when some AIDS activists displayed some mini-banners and briefly started yelling, Kerry gave them a few moments, then worked some brief discussion of AIDS policy into his speech.
And how are the Republicans treating their rally audiences?
Seeking Cheney Tickets? Sign a Loyalty Oath. This is the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard. Yes, if you want tickets to Democratic rally, the office usually collects your name and adddress. They don't require you to swear to vote for the Kerry/Edwards ticket. Heck, a rational candidate wants to reach out to people who might be uncertain,
not try to scare them away!
Before the rally, we grouped off into teams. I worked crowd control and signs with these other women:

Kerry, Deb, me, Jill and Terry, Before it Got Too Rainy...

The Up-front Sign Team, Nearly Two Soggy Hours Later...
I wound up standing just behind the other women, so I just missed being in some wire photos:

The Up-front Sign Team, as Snapped by the Post Gazette

Kerry, a Mosh-Pitter(?), as Snapped by the Post Gazetter
Kerry was standing on the crowd fence, leaning way over
the crowd, so I wound up literally right under him.

Front Part of the Greensburg Crowd, as Snapped by Someone for the John Kerry Web Site.