MotherJones has an excellent analysis of the VAWA votes, including some interesting (but depressing) maps.
Here are the senators (all Republicans) who voted against VAWA:
- John Barrasso (Wyo.)
- Roy Blunt (Mo.)
- John Boozman (Ark.)
- Tom Coburn (Okla.)
- John Cornyn (Texas)
- Ted Cruz (Texas)
- Mike Enzi (Wyo.)
- Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
- Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
- Orrin Hatch (Utah)
- James Inhofe (Okla.)
- Mike Johanns (Neb.)
- Ron Johnson (Wisc.)
- Mike Lee (Utah)
- Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
- Rand Paul (Ky.)
- Jim Risch (Idaho)
- Pat Roberts (Kansas)
- Marco Rubio (Fla.)
- Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
- John Thune (S.D.)
- Tim Scott (S.C.)
(from HuffingtonPost)
And here are their Twitter handles, to remind them that you remember how they voted against VAWA:
@SenJohnBarrasso @RoyBlunt @JohnBoozeman @TomCoburn @JohnCornyn
@SenTedCruz @SenatorEnzi @GrahamBlog @ChuckGrassley @SenOrrinHatch
@jiminhofe @Mike_Johanns @SenRonJohnson @McConnellPress
@SenRandPaul @SenatorRisch @SenPatRoberts @marcorubio
@SenatorTimScott @SenatorSessions @SenJohnThune
Here are the representatives (all Republicans) who voted against VAWA:
- Aderholt
- Amash
- Bachmann
- Barton
- Bentivolio
- Bilirakis
- Bishop (UT)
- Black
- Blackburn
- Bonner
- Brady (TX)
- Bridenstine
- Brooks (AL)
- Broun (GA)
- Burgess
- Campbell
- Cantor
- Carter
- Cassidy
- Chabot
- Chaffetz
- Collins (GA)
- Conaway
- Cotton
- Crawford
- Culberson
- DeSantis
- DesJarlais
- Duncan (SC)
- Duncan (TN)
- Ellmers
- Fincher
- Fleischmann
- Fleming
- Flores
- Forbes
- Fortenberry
- Foxx
- Franks (AZ)
- Garrett
- Gingrey (GA)
- Gohmert
- Goodlatte
- Gosar
- Gowdy
- Graves (GA)
- Graves (MO)
- Griffin (AR)
- Griffith (VA)
- Guthrie
- Hall
- Harris
- Hartzler
- Hastings (WA)
- Hensarling
- Holding
- Hudson
- Huelskamp
- Huizenga (MI)
- Hultgren
- Hurt
- Johnson (OH)
- Jones
- Jordan
- Kelly
- King (IA)
- Kingston
- Labrador
- LaMalfa
- Lamborn
- Lankford
- Latta
- Long
- Lucas
- Luetkemeyer
- Lummis
- Marchant
- Marino
- Massie
- McCaul
- McClintock
- Meadows
- Mica
- Miller (FL)
- Mullin
- Mulvaney
- Murphy (PA)
- Neugebauer
- Noem
- Nunnelee
- Olson
- Palazzo
- Perry
- Petri
- Pittenger
- Pitts
- Pompeo
- Posey
- Price (GA)
- Radel
- Ribble
- Rice (SC)
- Roby
- Roe (TN)
- Rogers (AL)
- Rogers (KY)
- Rohrabacher
- Rooney
- Roskam
- Ross
- Rothfus
- Salmon
- Scalise
- Schweikert
- Scott, Austin
- Sensenbrenner
- Sessions
- Smith (NE)
- Smith (NJ)
- Smith (TX)
- Southerland
- Stewart
- Stockman
- Stutzman
- Thornberry
- Wagner
- Walberg
- Weber (TX)
- Wenstrup
- Westmoreland
- Whitfield
- Williams
- Wilson (SC)
- Wittman
- Wolf
- Womack
- Woodall
- Yoho
Not voting
- Coble
- Granger
- Hinojosa
- Johnson, Sam
- Miller, Gary
- Reed
Many of these same people failed to vote for Sandy relief and failed to vote on raising debt ceilings (as they traditionally did for Republican presidents) or jobs for years.
In a rational society, sexual assault should never be condoned. As usual, the Republicans who represent us, are badly out of touch with Americans who support VAWA.